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Improve Lives and Grow Your Practice

• Knowledge of physiological status provides more information to the practitioner, and better potential treatment outcome for the patient

• Treatment time can be reduced

• Objectively indicates if muscle tension is symmetric and balanced, allowing for real time immediate correction

• Enables the practitioner to record a true physiological bite registration

• Offers greater insight into the effect of sleep, breathing, pain and other conditions on the patient’s physiological function

• Allows better understanding of the relationship of TMD and physiological function

• Capable of recording and comparing objective data from session to session

• Practitioners can correlate objective data with subjective reporting

• Enables integration of a physiological monitoring assessment into a patient’s treatment plan

• Permits the clinician to recognize those patients more difficult to treat

• Allows patients to see in real time the effect of therapeutic intervention

• HindexRV can be administered by trained staff members


We are in a healthcare crisis of chronic disease, growth and developmental disorders, performance and learning problems, and lost potential. It is accepted that HRV monitoring is an early warning system that can provide valuable information for more optimal evaluation and treatment. Lowered HRV has been identified as an indicator of all cause mortality, lowered survival after a first heart attack, and a predictor

of higher inflammatory markers, and increased prevalence of OSA.

Underlying much of the pathology are airway and sleep disorders, some easily recognized and others hidden (it is estimated that only 15% of airway/sleep disorders are diagnosed). Today dental sleep medicine is one of the fastest growing modalities in health care as we continually discover the far-reaching effects of sleep disorders. But, airway is more than sleep. Patients who have breathing difficulties at night also have breathing difficulties during the day. Everything dentists do in their daily practice influences the airway and physiology of the patient, whether the practitioner knows it or not. Sleep and TMJ appliances can relieve symptoms and support physiological function or diminish it.

HindexRV® Benefits

Changes in heart rate variability, through the complex interplay of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), occur for a variety of reasons. The body’s (ANS) governs many of the body’s internal functions. During an individual’s daily routine, the sympathetic branch of this ANS activates or increases the heart’s action, while the parasympathetic branch of this ANS acts to slow the action of the heart. The balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems produces an ongoing oscillation, an orderly increase and decrease in heart rate. This heart rate variability is an adaptive quality in a healthy body.

HindexRV® can be used to monitor patient treatment from session to session. Practitioners can use HindexRV™ to correlate objective data with subjective findings.


  • Recognize what cases are difficult to treat

  • Define Heart Rate Variability and its use in restorative dentistry and Medical care

  • Understand sleep and breathing physiology

  • Recognize the relationship of physiology to TMD and OSA

  • Integrate a physiologic assessment into daily patient treatment planning

       HindexRV® uses in Dentistry and Medicine

  • Sleep breathing disorders and oral appliances – TMD treatment and orthotics

  • Orthodontic treatment Restorative dentistry – Athletic performance

  • Systemic Autonomic disorders

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Caution: Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician, dentist or other licensed practitioner.
© 2022 for HindexRV, by Ricochet Marketing

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